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Trash Collection to Begin @ 4am 2/11-13 Due to Impending Weather
Cumberland Township Offices are now located at 730 Chambersburg Road. Access and parking are ONLY available along County Club Ln

Cumberland Township Comprehensive Zoning Review Committee ​​​​​​​​​

Cumberland Township Comprehensive Zoning Review Committee ​​​​​​​​​

The Township’s Comprehensive Zoning Review Committee held a kick-off meeting to get acquainted on February 24.  The Committee will now continue to meet on a regular basis with updates presented at the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission meetings.  Meeting notes will be posted on the Township’s web-site.
As DRAFT zoning maps and documents are produced a series of public views and open houses will be conducted for transparency and public input prior to any public hearings or decisions by the Board of Supervisors.   

Cumberland Township Comprehensive Zoning Review Committee Meeting Notes