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Cumberland Township Offices are now located at 730 Chambersburg Rd. Access and parking are ONLY available along Country Club Ln

Conditional Use Hearing

Start Date:
Thursday, May 18, 2023
End Date:
Thursday, May 18, 2023
The Cumberland Township Board of Supervisors will meet on Thursday, May 18th, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. at the Cumberland Township Municipal Building; 1370 Fairfield Road; Gettysburg, PA  17325 to hear a conditional use request.

Applicant, BR Smith Properties, is seeking a conditional use for a proposed campground in the Mixed Use (MX) zoning district as required per Section 27-602 of the Cumberland Township Zoning Ordinance.  The property is located at 75 Cunningham Road; Parcel number 09E16-0006---000 and Emmitsburg Road; Parcel 09E16-0054A.  The said property being more fully identified by deed recorded in Deed Book 6843 page 0677 and Deed Book 6959 Page 0322 in the Office of Recorder of Deeds of Adams County, Pennsylvania. 

Full opportunity to be heard will be given to any citizen and all parties with legal standing.