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Cumberland Township Offices are now located at 730 Chambersburg Rd. Access and parking are ONLY available along Country Club Ln

Cumberland Township Board Members

Cumberland Township Board Members

Board of Supervisors

Shaun A. Phiel - Chair
Christine D. Biggins - Vice Chair
Tiffany J. Stouck-Ramsburg
Jeffrey P. Brauning
Warren Sheppard

Planning Commission

Barbara Underwood - Chair
Theresa Finkenbinder
Kenny Caudill
Robert Bunce
Kirby Kiefer

Township Manager 

David Blocher

Treasurer/Finance Director 

Camie Stouck-Phiel


Michele Long 


Road Superintendent

Chris Walter
Phone: 717-334-6485 Ext. 300

Zoning Hearing Board

Tom Marlowe
Matthew Bird
Dennis Hickethier

Zoning/Building Code Official/Permits 

PA Municipal Code Alliance
1895B York Road; Gettysburg, PA  17325

Sewage Enforcement Officer

Gil Picarelli
KPI Technology
Phone: 717-339-0612 

Authority Staff Sewer

Todd Williams, Operations Manager
Tracey Barrick, Office Manager
Phone: 717-334-6485 ext. 200

Gettysburg Municipal Authority

Township Authority Board Sewer 

Rich Redding, Chairman
Tom Shealer, Vice-Chairman
Steve Niebler, Treasurer
Tracey Barrick, Secretary
Steve Toddes
Jim Williams 

Real Estate & Per Capita Tax Collector

Donna J. Maring
2059 Taneytown Road
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: 717-334-4871
Email: cumberlandtwptc09@gmail.com 

Township Police Chief

Matthew Trostel
Phone: 717-334-6485 Ext. 400

Emergency Management 

Dave Sanders; Coordinator
1370 Fairfield Road
Gettysburg, PA  17325
Phone: 717-334-6485 (Township Office)
Steve Higgs; Deputy Director
1370 Fairfield Road 


Timothy Knoebel
KPI Technology
143 Carlisle Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: 717-339-0612 


Sam Wiser, Esq
Salzmann Hughes, P.C.
79 St. Paul Drive
Chambersburg, PA 17201 

Local Services Tax Collector 

York Adams Tax Bureau
240 West Street
Gettysburg, PA  17325
Phone:  717-334-4000
Website: www.yatb.com

Amusement Tax Collector
Cumberland Township
Phone: 717-334-6485